Scriptieprijs: Oproep voor inzendingen

Scriptieprijs 2022

Oproep voor inzendingen Gewina-Descartes-Huygens Scriptieprijs voor Wetenschaps- en Universiteitsgeschiedenis

In 2013 riep Gewina de Gewina-Descartes-Huygens Scriptieprijs voor Wetenschaps- en Universiteitsgeschiedenis in het leven. Tijdens de negende Gewina Woudschoten Conferentie op 17 en 18 juni 2022 te Zeist zal deze prijs voor de vierde keer uitgereikt worden. 

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Online Gewina Woudschoten meeting

Karikatuur op de koepokken inenting


Friday 18 June 2021

Because of the continuing uncertainty regarding the pandemic and the social character of the Woudschoten conference, the Woudschoten organising committee and Gewina board have decided to postpone the congress to 17–18 June 2022. 

In order to still meet each other, an online meeting is organised on Friday afternoon 18 June 2021. See the Programme and Link below.

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CALL FOR PAPERS: 9th Gewina Woudschoten Conference

Karikatuur op de koepokken inenting

Contested Expertise: Trust in Science and Technology

Zeist, 9–10 July 2021
Deadline for proposals: 1 February 2021

On 9-10 July 2021 Gewina, the Belgian-Dutch Society for the History of Science and Universities, will hold its 9th biannual meeting in the Woudschoten Hotel & Conference Centre (Zeist). This two-day conference brings together historians of science, humanities, medicine, universities and technology; and all those from other fields with an interest in the history of knowledge. The theme of this year’s conference is: Contested Expertise: Trust in Science and Technology.   

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Woudschoten 8 – Final Programme available

The full and final programme for Gewina Woudschoten Conference 8, Towards a History of Knowledge, 21-22 June 2019, is now online (download below). The conference is fully booked. Dietary preferences can be submitted until 7 June. We look forward to seeing you at Woudschoten!

Please note that the conference fee includes conference participation, coffee, tea, and lunch on both days, and the conference dinner on Friday. Hotel rooms have to be booked separately and directly with Woudschoten conference centre! Use promotional code Gewina2019 to get a reduced rate.

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