10th Gewina Woudschoten Conference 2024

Image source: Stadsarchief Rotterdam

Ecology & Economy: History of Knowledge during the Unequal Anthropocene

On 21-22 Juni 2024 Gewina, the Belgian-Dutch Society for the History of Science and Universities, will hold its biannual meeting in the Woudschoten Hotel & Conference Centre (Zeist). Concept programme is online and early bird registration is now open!

Conference theme

The conference brings together historians of science, humanities, medicine, universities and technology; and all those from other fields with an interest in the history of knowledge. The theme of this year’s jubilee edition is Ecology & Economy: History of Knowledge during the Unequal Anthropocene.

In times of unprecedented changes on an unprecedented scale in the history of humanity, economic and ecological concerns attract a lot of interest. ‘Human’ alterations of planet Earth have inspired the introduction of the concept ‘Anthropocene’ for the current geological period. The concept of ‘Anthropocene’ questions the modern distinction between the history of nature and the history of human affairs. (Early) modern knowledge and expertise have contributed significantly to the creation of this distinction. The fields of history of science, medicine and technology have been crossing this boundary for quite some time to understand how knowledge and expertise shaped societies and vice versa. 

The concept of the ‘Anthropocene’ is contested too for its focus on a general ‘human’. Historically and today, ecological and economic responsibilities and vulnerabilities are distributed unequally amongst humanity. This is why the notion of the unequal Anthropocene’ puts inequality centre stage as a key conference theme besides ecology and economy.

Concept Programme

The organising committee was delighted to have received many abstract and panel proposals. The concept programme can be downloaded here:


Gewina offers the following registration options:

  • Regular ticket (€ 225)
  • Student ticket (€ 190)
  • Regular ticket for members of Gewina (€ 190)
  • Student ticket for student members of Gewina (€ 160)
  • Reduced ticket for participants with a temporary contract (€ 155)

If you have any questions about this registration form, please contact Martijn van der Meer via r.m.vandermeer@erasmusmc.nl

Great Master Thesis Show

The Great Master Thesis Show, following the pecha kucha format, will close the Congress. Master students at HPS Utrecht, as well as MA students from other universities, are very welcome to join. Do you want to present your work? Please join by sending an email to David Baneke: d.m.baneke@uu.nl

Organising committee

Timo Bolt, Daniel Curtis, Ralf Futselaar, Floor Haalboom, Sandra Manickam, Martijn van der Meer & Ruben Verwaal (Erasmus University & Erasmus MC, Rotterdam)

Questions? Please mail us at ecologyandeconomy2024@gmail.com


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