Voorjaarsbijeenkomst: Menselijke resten in musea


Gewina nodigt u van harte uit voor de voorjaarsbijeenkomst ‘Menselijke resten in musea’ op vrijdag 26 april 2023 in Museum Vrolik te Amsterdam.

Foetussen, anatomische preparaten en schedels uit de koloniale periode: het zijn allemaal voorbeelden van menselijke resten die terug te vinden zijn in de collecties van wetenschapsmusea en musea over het koloniale verleden. Hoe moeten we vandaag omgaan met menselijke resten die zonder expliciete toestemming van de betrokkenen en nabestaanden in museale collecties zijn terechtgekomen?

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Leading women in early modern book printing – Report on Gewina’s fall members’ day

Michiel Bron (gepubliceerd op Shells & Pebbles op 6 november 2023)

Why do early modern title pages regularly mention women’s businesses as the site of production? With this question in mind, we, the attendees of Gewina’s fall members’ day, rushed swiftly through beautiful Antwerp. It was one of the last sunny and warm days of the year and the many outdoor cafes were already filling up at noon. A tempting sight. However, we had a more interesting goal this day: a day of intellectual engagement at Museum Plantin-Moretus with an introduction to the role of women in the book printing circuits of early modern Antwerp. Traditionally, the early modern printing world has been characterized as a man’s world. The new technology of the printing press, due to its start-up costs and associations with skilled work, literacy and learned men, has often been regarded as work only men were involved in. Today, however, the lectures, archival visits and museum tour would teach us otherwise.

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Call for Papers: 10th Gewina Woudschoten Conference 2024

Image source: Stadsarchief Rotterdam

Ecology & Economy: History of Knowledge during the Unequal Anthropocene

Zeist, 21-22 June 2024

Deadline for proposals: January 15, 2024

On 21-22 Juni 2024 Gewina, the Belgian-Dutch Society for the History of Science and Universities, will hold its double-jubilee biannual meeting in the Woudschoten Hotel & Conference Centre (Zeist). Gewina itself celebrates its 111th year, and its meeting in Woudschoten will be the 10th. The conference brings together historians of science, humanities, medicine, universities and technology; and all those from other fields with an interest in the history of knowledge. The theme of this year’s jubilee edition is Ecology & Economy: History of Knowledge during the Unequal Anthropocene.

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