CfP: ‘Beyond Switching Plastic Straws’

Tenth PhD Conference in the History of Science, Medicine and the Humanities

A biennial conference by and for PhD researchers from universities in Belgium and the Netherlands

De Greune Weide (NL), 9-10 April 2025


We invite contributions from PhD researchers in Belgium and the Netherlands who work in the field of the history of science in the broadest sense: including histories of knowledge, technology, medicine, the natural sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences, spanning any time period and any geographical region. This conference is open to researchers in any stage of their PhDs, takes place every 2 years, and serves as one of the few platforms in our field dedicated exclusively to PhD students. It is an event meant for convivial and collegial interactions, for all of us to share progress, struggles, and to offer support among peers. We want to sustain and transform our discipline by maintaining a strong collective of early career researchers. To get an idea of what the conference is like, please read the report in Shells and Pebbles written by the organisers of the 2023 edition.

For information on location, presentation formats, and more details, please download the entire Call for Papers here:


Marieke Gelderblom (Utrecht University),; Max Bautista-Perpinyà (UCLouvain),; Martijn van der Meer (Erasmus University Rotterdam),


Our sincere thanks go out to all our donors and partners: Gewina, Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Huizinga Institute, National Committee for Logics, History and Philosphy of Science, Vossius Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences, Center for the Philosophy of Science and Society, and the École doctorale de philosophie.

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