Call for Papers

We invite contributions to the Journal for the History of Knowledge which will be launched early 2020.


JHoKis devoted to the history of knowledge in its broadest sense. This includes the study of indigenous, artisanal, and other types of knowledge, often seen as ‘weaker’ than science, as well as the history of academic knowledge developed in the humanities and social sciences. Special attention is devoted to interactions and processes of demarcation of science and knowledge. Contributions can deal with the history of concepts of knowledge, the study of practices of knowledge, and institutions and sites of knowledge production and legitimation (including universities). Contributions which highlight the relevance of the history of knowledge to current policy concerns (for example, by historicizing and problematizing concepts such as the knowledge society) are particularly welcome.

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Nieuwe Studium online

Het nieuwste nummer van Studium, vol. 9, nr. 3 (2016) staat online:

Artikelen / Articles

  • “De forensische wetenschap in Nederland (1800–1930): een terreinverkenning” Willemijn Ruberg & Nathanje Dijkstra
  • “De sociale positie van stadsvroedvrouwen in vroegmodern Dordrecht” Patrick Naaktgeboren

De Doos van Pandora / La Boîte de Pandora

  • “De Russische vertalingen van Andreas Vesalius’ (1514–1564) anatomische werken” Maurits Biesbrouck, Theodoor Goddeeris & Omer Steeno

Essay Review

  • “Geleerde uitgevers” Esther van Gelder

Boekbesprekingen / Comptes Rendus
